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Last updated: February 9, 2023

Comprehensive Coverage: Is it Necessary?

While comprehensive coverage isn’t legally required, if you have a new car, it’s a good idea.

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No one wants to pay more for auto insurance than they have to, but if you don’t choose the appropriate coverages, you could end up paying later for damages. Take comprehensive car insurance, for instance, which covers damages to your car from incidents other than collisions. If your car got stolen and you lacked comprehensive coverage, you’d have to spend your money on a new car, with no help from your insurance provider. Not ideal.

Here’s what comprehensive coverage covers, and why it’s important.

Comprehensive Insurance Coverage

Comprehensive insurance covers damages to your car for incidents aside from collisions, such as theft and vandalism. While comprehensive coverage is not legally required, if your vehicle is leased or financed, you may be required to buy it. But what does that include and not include?

What It Covers

What It Doesn’t Cover

  • Collisions, with other cars, potholes, and any other objects
  • Injuries
  • Any injuries or damages you caused on purpose
  • Ridesharing coverage
  • Any commercial purposes
  • Nuclear explosions
  • War
  • Bio-chemical attacks
  • Wear and tear
  • Freezing
  • Tire damage
  • Mechanical/electric breakdown/failure
  • Custom equipment or any electronic equipment that your manufacturer didn’t install
  • Vehicles that:
    • Have fewer than four wheels
    • Are unlisted
    • Are used for preparing for or competing in a race
    • Are not meant to be used on public roads1
  • Punitive damages, including recklessness, malicious acts, or gross negligence2

How It Works

If your car got damaged under a covered comprehensive claim, first, you would pay your comprehensive deductible. Then, your insurance provider would cover the rest of the costs up to the limit you’ve selected. Beyond your limit, you’ll be responsible for the costs out of pocket.

Auto Insurance


The average monthly cost of comprehensive coverage in the U.S. is $14.32, or $171.87 annually. See below for your state’s average, as costs for comprehensive auto insurance vary by state.

State Average monthly cost for comprehensive coverage in 2019
Alabama $180.11
Alaska $155.11
Arizona $208.38
Arkansas $240.54
California $96.53
Colorado $298.01
Connecticut $134.01
D.C. $136.31
Delaware $221.94
Florida $153.00
Georgia $180.37
Hawaii $106.29
Idaho $142.89
Illinois $144.65
Indiana $138.86
Iowa $221.72
Kansas $286.48
Kentucky $168.11
Louisiana $252.34
Maine ​​$115.26
Maryland $168.01
Massachusetts $149.86
Michigan $162.01
Minnesota $214.55
Mississippi $238.95
Missouri $223.94
Montana $313.27
Nebraska $269.19
Nevada $119.19
New Hampshire $120.48
New Jersey $129.97
New Mexico $222.43
New York $172.85
North Carolina $138.40
North Dakota $264.98
Oklahoma $270.19
Oregon $109.76
Pennsylvania $171.18
Rhode Island $141.03
South Carolina $211.29
South Dakota $347.61
Tennessee $168.07
Texas $285.56
Utah $127.15
Vermont $148.88
Virginia $149.42
Washington $121.13
West Virginia $225.50
Wisconsin $168.52
Wyoming $335.043

Do I Need Comprehensive Coverage?

Most people driving need comprehensive coverage. However, there are some exceptions.

You need comprehensive coverage if:

  • You have a new car.
  • You have a broken-down car.
  • You have a car in storage.

Even cars that aren’t being driven need insurance for theft, vandalism, and weather-related incidents.

You don’t need comprehensive coverage if:

  • You have an old car. With older cars, their value has often depreciated to the point where an accident would total it, meaning the damages cost more than the car’s value. In that case, it may make sense to either pay for damages out of pocket or simply get a new car.

Comprehensive Deductibles and Limits

Let’s dive deeper into the deductibles and limits behind comprehensive insurance.


If you’re not familiar with how deductibles work, the deductible is the amount that you have to pay toward a covered claim before your insurance provider will contribute.

Your comprehensive coverage has its own deductible, which you will select. Make sure that if you got a covered claim tomorrow, you could afford your deductible. On average, comprehensive deductibles are $500, although they can be anywhere from $0 to $2,000.


While higher deductibles mean lower premiums, keep in mind that you’ll be responsible for the deductible if you have a comprehensive claim. Make sure it’s something you can afford immediately.


After you’ve paid your deductible, your limit is the maximum amount your insurance provider will pay toward a covered claim. We recommend setting as high a limit as you can reasonably afford to pay for premiums. Typically, the limit is your vehicle’s actual cash value.4 Learn about how insurance companies value cars.


If your car has depreciated in value since you purchased it, you may not get what you paid for it back under a comprehensive claim. That’s why some people purchase gap insurance, which ensures that you get back what you paid for.

Comprehensive vs. Collision Insurance

Although they’re not the same thing, comprehensive coverage is often grouped with collision coverage. Both cover damages to your vehicle, but there are some key differences to be aware of.

What Is Collision Coverage?

First, let’s define collision coverage. Collision coverage covers damages to your vehicle from a car accident in which you were at fault. It also covers damages from rolling cars and potholes. However, it doesn’t cover normal wear and tear or mechanical damage.

Similarities and Differences

Let’s compare collision and comprehensive coverage.

  • Similarities: Both coverages apply to your car’s damages in an at-fault accident, not the other party’s damages. Both aren’t required by law, both include deductibles, and both are only necessary for new cars, not old cars.
  • Differences: Collision coverage covers damage from collisions, while comprehensive coverage does not. Collision coverage is more expensive than comprehensive coverage by an average of 90 percent. Finally, broken-down cars or cars in storage need only comprehensive coverage, not collision.

Is Comprehensive Coverage Full Coverage?

Comprehensive coverage is not the same as full coverage. Rather, it falls under full coverage’s umbrella along with liability coverage (property damage coverage and bodily injury coverage), collision coverage, and medical payments coverage. Learn more about the differences between full coverage and liability insurance.


If you’re not sure whether comprehensive insurance is right for you, speak to your insurance agent or broker. However, unless you want to pay out of pocket for theft, vandalism, or weather events like hail, comprehensive coverage is a necessity.


We’ve received a flood of questions about comprehensive coverage. Here are our expert answers.

What does comprehensive coverage include?

Comprehensive coverage includes any weather-related incidents, theft, and vandalism.

Is comprehensive coverage the same as full coverage?

Comprehensive coverage isn’t the same as full coverage, but it is part of full coverage along with liability, collision, and medical payments coverage.

Is hitting a deer covered by comprehensive coverage or collision coverage?

Hitting a deer is covered by collision coverage, as it’s a type of collision.

Will comprehensive claims raise my insurance costs?

Comprehensive claims won’t raise your insurance costs because the events weren’t your fault, by definition. In contrast, some collision claims will raise your insurance costs, if you were involved in an at-fault accident.


  1. Exclusions: What your policy won’t cover. Nasdaq. (2013, Jun 28).

  2. What are Auto Insurance Policy Exclusions? Simmons and Fletcher. (2022).

  3. 2018/2019 Auto Insurance Database Report. NAIC. (2022).

  4. What Is Comprehensive Insurance? Allstate. (2021, Nov).