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Last updated: July 23, 2024

What is the Average Price of Car Insurance?

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Unlike ponchos, car insurance isn’t one-size-fits-all. Many factors can affect the quotes you receive, from where you live to your credit score. So how do you know how much you’ll pay for your car insurance this year?

While averages can’t tell you exactly what you’ll pay, they can show you roughly what to expect. So sit back, relax, and check out the average car insurance rates based on vehicle type, demographics, driving history, and more.

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Average Car Insurance Rates

By State

The Cost of Auto Insurance-What Affects Premiums

Each state has its own minimum coverage requirements, accident rates, car theft rates, DUI rates, and other factors that impact the cost of car insurance. See the average rate in your state below.

State Average annual expenditure on car insurance, 2020
Alabama $918
Alaska $970
Arizona $1,042
Arkansas $879
California $1,050
Colorado $1,172
Connecticut $1,229
Delaware $1,252
District of Columbia $1,415
Florida $1,372
Georgia $1,255
Hawaii $810
Idaho $724
Illinois $915
Indiana $766
Iowa $708
Kansas $793
Kentucky $909
Louisiana $1,495
Maine $704
Maryland $1,201
Massachusetts $1,170
Michigan $1,419
Minnesota $881
Mississippi $979
Missouri $909
Montana $834
Nebraska $796
Nevada $1,247
New Hampshire $848
New Jersey $1,334
New Mexico $905
New York $1,436
North Carolina $753
North Dakota $692
Ohio $781
Oklahoma $888
Oregon $952
Pennsylvania $969
Rhode Island $1,391
South Carolina $1,113
South Dakota $739
Tennessee $854
Texas $1,085
Utah $937
Vermont $786
Virginia $846
Washington $1,035
West Virginia $915
Wisconsin $753
Wyoming $770

To give some context for the state-by-state breakdown, the national average is $1,047.1 Some ZIP codes have higher or lower average rates than others in the same state, depending on factors such as population density and auto theft rates.

By Company

Insurance company Average annual cost
Endurance $279
Metromile $662.40
Root $828.80
Erie $1,083.60
Clearcover $1,119.18
USAA $1,151.20
GEICO $1,194.40
Safeco $1,372.60
GAINSCO $1,388.80
Concord $1,396.40
American Family $1,400.40
State Farm $1,419.20
Progressive $1,507.80
Plymouth Rock $1,513
AARP (The Hartford) $1,519.60
Lemonade $1,590.40
Nationwide $1,613.60
Travelers $1,620.20
Liberty Mutual $1,636.60
Kemper $1,661.40
Allstate $1,673.40
Amica $1,687.60
Mercury $1,706.40
GMAC (National General Insurance) $1,714.22
Esurance $1,723.60
Farmers $1,878.40
AAA $1,903.40
Good2Go $2,039.66
Dairyland $2,104.60
21st Century $2,112.29
The General $2,418.40
Direct $2,487.38
Infinity $2,908.40
Bristol West $2,909.65

By Age

The below numbers from Progressive demonstrate how auto insurance rates for teens are higher than for any other age group, as they have the least driving experience on average. But the good news for parents is that car insurance rates decrease the older your teen gets because of the driving experience they typically gain. Prices usually increase again for those age 75 or older, because seniors are often more likely to be in car accidents.

Age Average yearly rate from September 2020 to August 2021
17 and under $206
18 $230
19-20 $203
21-22 $176
23-24 $153
25-29 $136
30-34 $127
35-39 $124
40-44 $122
45-49 $120
50-54 $111
55-64 $100
65-74 $96
75 and over $1012

By Gender

Except in a few states that ban gender discrimination, men pay more for car insurance than female drivers. No, this isn’t just reverse sexism at work: Studies show men have higher DUI rates and are more likely to die in traffic accidents than women, leading to costly claims. That’s why men pay an average of $1,323.21 per year for car insurance, compared with $1,210.57 for women.

By Driving History

If you have a spotty driving record full of DUIs, at-fault accidents, and/or tickets, you’ll have higher auto insurance costs than someone with a clean driving record. That speeding ticket may cost you more than you think — not just a fine but also increased auto insurance rates.
Driving Record

By Credit Score

Every state except New Hampshire, Michigan, California, and Hawaii gives people with bad credit higher car insurance rates. That means you’ll likely save money if you have a good credit score in any other state.

Credit Average annual cost of car insurance
Excellent $1,279.30
Good $1,415
Fair $1,711
Bad $2,395.10


A “good credit score” is anywhere from 670 to 739 on the FICO scale. Scores from 740 to 799 are considered very good, while scores from 800 to 850 are exceptional.3

By Vehicle Type

Vehicle crash test ratings also impact insurance costs. Expect lower rates if you drive a safer car like a small SUV. Horsepower is another factor; high-horsepower cars are at a higher risk of hydroplaning, so avoid those if you want to lower the cost of your car insurance.

Vehicle type Average yearly cost of full-coverage insurance
Half-ton/crew pickup (4WD) $1,242
Electric $1,227
Hybrid vehicle $1,212
Large sedan $1,264
Medium sedan $1,245
Medium SUV (4WD) $1,118
Minivan $1,096
Small sedan $1,342
Small SUV (FWD) $1,0874

By Marital Status

All’s fair in love and war — and car insurance, apparently. Married people typically see lower car insurance rates, as they’re statistically less likely to file claims than single drivers. That even applies to single people who are widowed, divorced, or separated. While married people pay an average of $1,671 per year, single people pay $1,759.20 — a difference of 5 percent.

Other Factors That Impact Car Insurance Rates

  • Homeownership: Homeowners can expect lower rates than renters.
  • Mileage: People who drive more give themselves more opportunities for collisions. Those who drive less can save money with usage-based insurance.
  • Policy: Not surprisingly, minimum coverage costs less than full coverage.

How to Find the Best Rates

  1. Adjust your deductible. If you raise your deductible on your collision and comprehensive coverage, your premium will decrease.
  2. Drop coverages you don’t need. You can save money by getting rid of any coverages that aren’t required by law, such as rental car coverage and roadside assistance.
  3. Lower your limits. You can also drop your limits down to the state minimums if you feel confident paying more for a covered claim.
  4. Shop the entire market. How can you know you’re getting the best rates if you only have a quote from one company? You can’t. To find the cheapest car insurance, you’ll need to get quotes from multiple companies. Don’t be afraid to switch providers if you find a more reasonable rate.
  5. Get discounts. Every company offers discounts, so ask your agent about the insurer’s savings options.
  6. Bundle policies. Have homeowners’ insurance or another type of policy? Bundle them under the same provider to get a loyalty discount.

Does Every State Require Car Insurance?

Not every state requires auto insurance through an insurance company. The two exceptions are Virginia and New Hampshire. However, you don’t get off scot-free in those states, as you’ll have to meet other financial responsibility requirements in place of paying a car insurance premium.


In Virginia, rather than getting a personal auto insurance policy, you can pay a $500 uninsured motorist fee to the DMV.5


If you opt for insurance in Virginia, the minimum liability coverage is 30/60/20 until Dec. 31, 2024. That’s $30,000 for bodily injury coverage for one person, $60,000 for two, and $20,000 for property damage coverage.

New Hampshire

In the state of New Hampshire, you’ll have to prove you can meet the state’s minimum coverage limits for bodily injury and property damage.

  • Bodily injury coverage: $25,000 for accidents involving one person and $50,000 for accidents involving two or more people
  • Property damage coverage: $25,000

You can provide this proof by depositing at least $100,000 in cash or securities and then giving the receipt to the state treasurer.


While averages can give you a rough estimate of what you’ll pay for car insurance, you’ll need to share some personal information to get a custom quote online — and even those quotes aren’t entirely accurate. To truly find out what an insurance company will charge you, you’ll need to apply for a policy, so don’t be afraid to contact an insurance agent or broker to find the right auto insurer for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average cost of liability car insurance?

According to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, the average cost of liability car insurance was $631 a year in the U.S. in 2020. That breaks down to $53 per month.

What is the average cost of car insurance for a 20-year-old male?

The average cost of car insurance for a 20-year-old male is around $5,145.67 annually, although it could be anywhere from $4,097 to $5,590.

What is the average cost of adding a teenager to car insurance?

The average cost of adding a teenager to car insurance is $2,617.33 a year, with a possible range of $1,461 to $3,442.

What is the average cost of car rental insurance abroad?

The average cost of car rental insurance abroad depends on the country you’re visiting. U.S. rental car coverage does not typically apply to any other country except Canada, and that’s only for six months under a tourist visa.


  1. 2019/2020 Auto Insurance Database Report. NAIC. (2023, Jan).

  2. Car insurance for teens. Progressive. (2022).

  3. What Is a Good Credit Score? Experian. (2022).


  5. Insurance Requirements. DMV Now. (2022).